12 abril, 2013

Day 5: Malahide

We woke up with a sunny day so we finally could go to Malahide.

We got to the castle walking through a beautiful wood.

We had a guided tour in the castle, and we learnt a little bit of its history.

Later, we visited the gardens.

The sunny day was gone but it didn't rain so we played some ball games and had lunch in the greens.

In the afternoon, we went to Malahide village and beach before coming back to Balbriggan.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola a todos!!
    Estamos muy contentos de ver tan felices a nuestros hijos.Esta siendo una experienca única que siempre la recordarán.
    Gracias a los profes por tenernos tan informados y por todas las fotos del blog.
    Un beso para todos y a seguir disfrutando.. que esto se acaba pronto...

  2. I see you are having a great time in Ireland. I only miss one thing, the son for Molly Malone :)

  3. The photos are very beautifull
